
In Algeria, recycling is not a habit. A lot of plastics are being produced and thrown away everyday in mixt garbage causing considerable environmental issues and health risks to individual informal workers who sort garbage with bare hands in landfills. Besides, there is no real culture of recycling within the population, with very low awareness campaigns from schools, government institutions or companies.


Ramy Mabrouk has come with a solution to that and started his company Nrecycli two years ago and managed thanks to his product to create a virtuous economy of recycling, from the responsibilisation of the citizen and large companies to the professionnalisation of the hand workers.

How ?

What does the tech bring on the table?

Aside from the matchmaking platform and gamified experience that slowly spreads a culture of recycling and responsibilisation among the citizens where Nrecycli is active, the company is thinking of bringing crypto on the table.

Why ?

It is the perfect use case to maximize the potential of the crypto technology. As a reminder, crypto finds its origins from: